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Middle in the World

Apollo Theater explores MLK’s legacy and modern injustice in annual tribute

The Apollo Theater hosted its annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day tribute on Sunday, bringing together notable voices to reflect on Dr. King’s teachings and their enduring relevance to systemic racism in America.

In A Divided America, Churches Find A Way To Move Forward

From a big-picture perspective, the outlook for many American Christian congregations can seem foreboding.

Love Letter

Sunday Letter

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We believe in the power of Love. Period.

Through Love, we are each created in God’s image and filled with the Divine Spark. No matter whom we love, no matter how we look, no matter where we are on our journey, God’s imprint is in every person of every race/ethnicity, every gender, and every sexual orientation. We believe God speaks many languages and is calling us on many paths to peace—Shalom. We believe that Love put on flesh—brown, poor, Jewish baby flesh—and came to live among us. We believe God lives among us still; we are the living body of Christ. We are the hands, feet, and heartbeat of God. We believe the Spirit of God calls us to freedom, and we are not free until all of us are free.